
Hello and welcome to all our new readers! We are very pleased to have you on our page and to tell you more about the topic we are so passionate about. This blog is about environmental regeneration in Greater Manchester and why it’s so important for everyone.

In our first post, we will briefly describe the benefits of greener spaces and sustainable green policies not only for Manchester, but for any other city in the world as well. We hope you enjoy reading this post and our articles!

Why Environmental Regeneration is Important

First, let’s define what environmental regeneration is. Environmental regeneration refers to improving existing land, that has most usually been neglected, for future generations. As you can already tell by the definition, this process is very important for the local environment.

Ever since the Industrial Revolution started, poets, philosophers and scientists alike have begged for environmental regeneration. It used to be the case that all land was considered recourse that could be used indefinitely and for means of bettering one’s finances, but the conversation has nowadays shifted towards sustainability and protection of the environment.

It is easy to see why environmental regeneration is a good thing; the most obvious plus side is that nobody wants to live in a grey and dying environment, it’s too depressing. We have also come to know more about the damage that we inflict upon nature and younger generations have become more politically active and persuasive about their demands to protect our only planet.

These are some of the most obvious reasons why environmental regeneration is a good thing and why it is so popular these days. Still, we believe it’s necessary to give you some concrete examples as to why this specific type of green policy is so important in the grand scheme of things.

First, environmental regeneration is usually associated with providing more oxygen. Most environmental regeneration projects concentrate on enriching dilapidated lands with more trees and plants that produce oxygen and naturally also consume the large amounts of carbon dioxide we produce through manufacturing and transportation. It’s needless to say why oxygen is important.

Second, environmental regeneration can also bring about clean water. You might not know this, but planting trees in strategic spots can lead to cleaner water because they consume rain water and return it filtered through the soil. Trees can also prevent flooding by managing water through their root systems and retaining it.

Lastly, environmental regeneration also translates to a restoration of lost habitat. Habitat loss is the leading cause of wildlife endangerment in the world. Not only is this sad because animals go extinct, but the loss of habitat also means that the ecosystem will be disturbed as well, thus leading to direct consequences on human population.

These are some of the many reasons why environmental regeneration is vital, especially in the face of climate change. Remain curious and always look for ways to help the environment.

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